Best ways to to get rid of bugs
Don’t let bugs take over your home. Keep these simple and effective bugs removal solutions, so you can act fast if a pest problem occurs. I’ll share 5 simple tips to find and kill house bugs, and how to keep them out.

Seal Gaps for outside to keep pests from getting in
Anything that connects your home to the great outdoors can be a trouble spot: Windows, vents, pipes, chimneys, and roof shingles are just some of the spots bugs will sneak through.

Repair anything that creates a possible entry point like torn window screens or loose weather-stripping. If you find open spaces near pipes or electrical lines use caulk to fill small gaps.
Bed bugs can be dangerous

Bed bugs move simply on clothes during vacation times. Remember bed bugs can live in beds, sofas, furniture as well as cushions. They can fit into any gap and one of their beloved places is the piping along the edge of a mattress.

Our Bed bugs removal experts from Brampton, ON states, if you find an infestation of any kind, “It’s important to consult with a professional pest control company to assess the magnitude of the problem.”
Stop ants naturally
Simple soapy water kills ants and Use a solution made from 1/4 cup white vinegar, 2 cups water and 10 drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil and washes away their chemical trail to prevent future troubles.

You can use your spices & Put a light dusting of spices where ants have spotted. Ants will shy away from black pepper, cinnamon, mint, red chilli powder, and turmeric. WikiHow has a simple guide to trick them into your traps
Use this trick to kill cockroaches
Cockroaches love the paper smell and hate the light, so try to avoid clutter areas where bugs can gather, especially bags, stacks of magazines, and boxes.

Mixing flour or sugar with something deadly like Borax help you get rid of cockroaches easily.
Stay dry & clean
Pipes beneath the sink or in the bathroom can be leaky. Watery areas work as both breeding ground and drinking place.

Keeping your home clean is the best way to keep pests away, especially the kitchen where particles and other potential threats hide.